Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Growing Up Sucks

Travel. Work. Eat. Work. Travel. Eat. Faff. Sleep. Repeat.

When you're younger, you think you have all the time in the world, that growing up and getting a job is something stuffy old people do. Then you hit your 20's and leave education, and shit gets real.

Now I'm not in any way complaining about my job. I actually enjoy doing it, and it gets me by. What I don't like is the way all my time just seems to get sucked into this vortex, I can coast through weeks without really ever noticing anything. I spend pretty much all day every weekday engaging with a screen of some kind. Not because I want to, but because there's very little alternative for me.

I'm hoping now that it's the middle of May I might be able to get out a bit more in the evenings without having to put on my armbands first. There's nothing like a refreshing walk when you're bored out of your skull.

Not that I'm a loner or anything, but I don't really know anyone local to me here in Bedford. I grew up in Kent, lived there between the ages of 5 and 18, made friends for life there, and I'd move back in a heartbeat if money were no object.

Unfortunately it is, so here I am. Blogging. I mean, that's great news for you, obviously, you get my pearls of wisdom to peruse at your leisure. But I miss the days where I could just ring my mates and go and drink cheap nasty cider on the beach in the middle of the night. I miss just walking through town and seeing people I knew, setting up impromptu gatherings, playing poker.

Growing up sucks, but at least I still have my immaturity. Penis.


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