Thursday, 17 May 2012

Spiked Underpants Are a Pain in the Arse

If I can manage a post to live up to that gem of a title it will be a minor miracle.

Don't give me that look, beardy

So there I was today, bored out of my skull, thinking I'd just have a quick look to see if anybody was actually reading my inane ramblings. Turns out, they actually are. Well, either that or they're just looking at the pretty pictures, either way, hello, nice to meet you, thank you for taking a few minutes to read my irrelevant, occasionally ranty posts.

Speaking of rants, I was half an hour late for work today, thanks to the world's most inconsistent bus route. It's suddenly become acceptable for 12-minute interval buses to be 10 minutes late and rammed full of people so they can't pick Flynny up and get him to work on time and cause him to rage internally because he's too god damn laid back to shout at people or cause a fuss or even complain politely!

Aaaaaaand breathe.....

You don't want to hear about the minutiae of my daily life though, that's not what this blog is about, is it? I hope not, to be honest, I don't even know myself. I have had a neat idea for some sort of regular thing though, I want to post a Top 10 list of whatever the hell I feel like once a week. I give it 3 weeks before I give up, any takers?

Guess what I'm doing, go on, guess. Nope. Nuh-uh, watching drunkards in fancy dress watch huge men throw tiny arrows at a piece of cork? Third time lucky I guess. 

You know, fancy dress has always intrigued me. Ordinarily, you wouldn't see Elvis sharing a pint with a man in drag pretending to be Madonna, or maybe you would, Elvis was pretty rock'n'roll after all. I just saw 4 guys dressed as crayons. Crayons! How the hell did that conversation go? 

'Steve, fancy going to the darts?' 
'Sure Dave, but only if we dress up' 
'Cracking idea Steve, what shall we go as?' 
'I dunno Dave, superheroes seem a bit overdone, have a look in your kids toybox when you get home and see what you come up with'

They were all out of  naked Action Man

You really couldn't make it up.

Anyway, this has gone far enough. Keep reading, it really does make me smile.


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